[5月16日] 精密光谱学 Precision spectroscopy: advances and applications




报告人:俞佳良 博士




Modern precision spectroscopy has a wide range of applications, from fundamental physics research to practical applications in fields such as chemistry, medicine, and engineering. It paves the way to measure fundamental constants, study the behavior of atoms and molecules in extreme conditions, and develop highly accurate sensors and clocks.

This field has seen remarkable progress in recent decades, driven by advances in laser technology and trapping technologies such as optical lattices and ion traps.

In this talk, I will begin with an overview of recent advances in precision spectroscopy, followed by describing the setup of the current most frequency-stable oscillator, which serves as the interrogation laser for the cutting-edge atomic clocks in our institute. I will then discuss the application of precision spectroscopy on trapped Yb+ ions, aided by this laser, to conduct tests on fundamental physics principles such as local Lorentz invariance and isotope shifts.


Jialiang Yu worked as laser development engineer for femto-second and ultra-stable laser systems at MenloSystems GmbH after getting M.Sc from university of Bielefeld. Then he started his Ph.D. in Uwe Sterr’s group to set up the most frequency-stable laser based on cryogenic silicon Fabry-Perot resonator. In 2022, he joined Tanja Mehlstaeubler’s group in Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (德国联邦物理技术研究院, PTB) working on precision spectroscopy on trapped Yb+ ions.

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