[4月2日]学术报告:Smart Materials and Its Application in Microfluid


一、题    目:Smart Materials and Its Application in Microfluidics 
二、报告人:温维佳  教授(香港科技大学)
三、时    间:2010年4月2日(星期五)上午9:30
四、地    点:物理馆512学术会议室
Electrorheological (ER) fluid is considered as a kind of “smart” material which is able to be used for microfluidic systems to achieve active and precise control of fluid by electrical signal. While, microfluidics, especially droplet microfluidic, attracts much attention recently from diverse research fields due to its highly integration, digitalization and computer-controlled characteristics. Here, we will introduce our recent experimental results of ER fluid-based microfluidic chip and droplet generation and manipulation approaches. Two methodologies by employing ER fluid into microfluidic system: digital generation, manipulation of “smart droplets” and droplet manipulation by ER fluid will be presented. Once it is combined with real-time detection, electroreologically integrated chip with many functions can be realized. Some other applications of using GER fluid in microfluidic chips, such as the microfluidic logical gates, are also introduced.
温维佳教授1995年在中国科学院物理研究所获得博士学位。1995~1999年在香港科技大学及加州大学洛杉矶分校博士后。1999年加入香港科大。多年来在微米及纳米材料的研究,纳米电(磁)流变液,微流控制,软物质物理及光电子功能结构材料实验方面进行了大量工作,取得了一批有意义的科研成果,主要是:研究成功具有巨电流变效应的纳米电流变液;智能材料在微流控制的应用;微结构材料和器件,研究和观测到一些新物理效应,如金属分形线结构的电磁波能带特性,以此发明了平面光子 “晶体”;在场致结构相变方面获得了创新的结果等。这些具有独创性,并有广泛和重要的应用意义。不少论文发表在国际一流杂志上。总计SCI论文150 多篇。其中Nature Material、Advances in Physics、Physical Review Letters、Applied Physics Letters及Physical Review B/E, 等60多篇。主要研究成果被多
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