

题 目:铁磁流体中的光学负折射
报告人:黄吉平教授 (复旦大学物理系)
时 间:6月29日(周二),上午10:00
地 点:南校区第一实验楼406室
Ferrofluids are suspensions of ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic nanoparticles suspended in a carrier liquid. We numerically demonstrate optical negative refraction in ferrofluids containing isotropic Fe3O4 nanoparticles, each having an isotropic Ag shell, in the presence of an external dc magnetic field H. As a result, we have proposed a class of soft optical metamaterials. The all-angle broadband optical negative refraction with magnetocontrollability arises from H-induced chains or columns. They result in hyperbolic equifrequency contour for transverse magnetic waves propagating in the system. The finite element simulations verify the analyses using the effective medium approximation. Experimental demonstration and potential applications are suggested and discussed.
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