[4月22日]学术报告:Electronic Transport in Nanoscale Systems


一、题 目:Electronic Transport in Nanoscale Systems

二、报告人:Prof. Ravindra Pandey (Department of Physics, MichiganTechnological University) 

三、时 间:4月22日(周五), 上午10:00

四、地 点:物理馆512会议室  



The remarkable advances in nanotechnology allow one to manipulate individual atoms, molecules and nanostructures, thereby making it possible to build devices with only a few nanometers. It complies with the ever-increasing need for device miniaturization, from magnetic storage devices, electronic building blocks for computers, to chemical and biological sensors. In our research group, we have explored the possibility of having molecules working in a wide spectrum of electronic devices, including spin valves/switches, and sensors. In this talk, I will present the results of three case studies: self-assembled monolayers of organic molecules working as the non-magnetic spacer in a spin valve; the interfacial effects between a carbon fullerene and metallic electrodes; functionalization of nanopore-embedded electrodes for rapid DNA sequencing. Both the intrinsic properties of molecules themselves and the detailed interfacial features are found to play critical roles in electron transport at the molecular scale. The results that we have gained from this work would help in understanding the underlying physics, developing the fundamental mechanism and providing guidance for future experimental efforts.


Ravi Pandey is Professor and Chair of Physics at the Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI.  Pandey received his BS and MS from Harisingh Gaur University at Sagar, India and his PhD in Physics from the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.  Pandey has participated in multi-disciplinary efforts (theoretical and experimental) to build the programs in novel nanostructures, and application of chalcopyrite semiconductors as the next generation optoelectronic materials with the industrial and national laboratories, and is the author of more than 100 publications. He has also co-organized and participated in several conferences in the area of Materials Physics and Nanoscale Science.

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