[4月26日]学术报告:Topological Insulators: Dimensionality, Magnetic Field and Disorder


题 目:Topological Insulators: Dimensionality, Magnetic Field and Disorder 

报告人:张艳阳 博士(香港大学物理系) 

时 间:4月26日(周二),上午10:00 

地 点:物理系512会议室 


The talk has three sections. In the first section, a brief review about topological insulator will be introduced. Then I will investigate the problem of three dimensional topological insulator (3DTI) in a magnetic field. The quantum Hall states of this system are exhibited by side surface states, rather than edge states in 2D. A new definition and experimental setup of quantum Hall effect are proposed. The last section focuses on the origin of topological Anderson insulator (TAI) in 2D. The TAI phase is triggered by a band touching as a second perturbation effect from disorder, and lives in a cluster of nontrivial subgaps surviving through size scaling and statistical average.

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