[7月4日]学术报告:Sub-Wavelength Lithography and Microscopy


题 目:Sub-Wavelength Lithography and Microscopy

报告人:Prof. M. Suhail Zubairy (Texas A&M university, College Station, Texas USA)

时 间: 7月4日(周一 ),上午10:00

地 点: 物理馆512会议室

摘要:It is well known that the classical schemes for imaging, microscopy and lithography are restricted by the diffraction limit. For example, the precision with which a pattern could be etched in interference lithography is limited by the wavelength of the light. In recent years, a number of schemes have been proposed via quantum interferometry to improve the resolution. Some of these schemes are based on quantum entanglement and multiphoton processes. In this talk we shall discuss several schemes for quantum lithography using classical light. We shall also discuss schemes for sub-wavelength imaging and microscopy.

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