[12月13日]学术报告:Solid State Quasiparticle Calculations


题 目:Solid State Quasiparticle Calculations
报告人:Peihong Zhang (Associate Professor, Department of Physics, University at Buffalo, SUNY)
时 间:12月13日(周四),下午3:30-4:30
地 点:南校区第一实验楼406会议室

Quantitative understanding of electronic excitations in semiconductors has been and still is a central topic of condensed matter theory because of its fundamental and technological importance. With the advent of modern electronic structure method that includes electron-electron and electron-hole interactions from first-principles, theory is now used to predict and accurately compare with experiment excited-state properties of semiconductors and insulators without any adjustable parameters. In this talk, I will discuss some recently development in understanding electronic excitations in solids from first-principles.

Dr. Peihong Zhang received his Ph.D. degree from Pennsylvania State University in 2001. Upon graduation, he joined the Corporate Research, Corning Incorporated as a research scientist. He then moved to UC Berkeley to assume a postdoctoral researcher position in 2003. He joined the faculty of the Physics Department, University at Buffalo, SUNY in 2005. He was promoted to tenured Associate Professor of Physics in 2011. Dr. Zhang’s research focuses on understanding and predicting materials properties from first-principles, with emphases on nanostructures and other novel materials, computational materials design, and development of new theoretical and computational techniques. Dr. Zhang has published over 50 papers in international research journals, including Nature and Physical Review Letters.

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