[5月17日]学术报告:Supersymmetric Potentials in Quantum Mechanics and Traffic Congestion


题 目:Supersymmetric Potentials in Quantum Mechanics and Traffic Congestion
报告人:Prof. Reinhart Kuhne (Univ. Stuttgart, Germany and advisory Professor at Tongji Univ.)
时 间:5月17日(周四),下午2:00
地 点:物理馆512会议室

With a queueing theory approach traffic congestion formation is modeled and compared with measurements on long crowded roads. The balance equation for the temporal change of the cluster generation probability can be transformed into a Schrödinger equation. Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are calculated for appropriate boundary conditions. The potential of the Schrödinger equation is in a supersymmetric relation to the double well potential, describing second order phase transitions. The order parameter is the cluster size and measurements of speed distributions during congestion formation confirm the expected existence of critical fluctuations. The consequences of the quantum mechanical analogy are discussed in detail and expressions for the cumulative traffic breakdown probability are derived and compared with empirical observations.

1974 Ph.D. in Physics Univ. Stuttgart,
since then several positions in Industry,
since 1998 Prof. at Univ. Stuttgart,
since 2004 Advisory Prof. Tongji Univ.
Currently visiting Prof. Tongji Univ. School of Transp. Engineering.

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